The Gunaxin Show / Masters of None – LIVE from Comic Con

If you are a regular listener to The Gunaxin Show, then you know that our hosts / producers for the show are Mike, Jay, and Art from The Masters of None. This weekend the trio are broadcasting live from the floor of the New York Comic Con. If you are in New York for the conference, then you can find them at Booth 522, and they would love to meet you. We even have some prizing available if you mention how much you love listening to The Gunaxin Show.

They will be conducting several interviews during the weekend, which you can attempt to listen to live via their site (attempt, because there may be technical issues). Some of the best stuff will find its way onto The Gunaxin Show in coming weeks. You can follow their progress at the conference by checking out this Comic Con post which will be updated with the latest information.
